
Sustainability in everything we do

Sustainability in everything we do

Nordic Steel is Norway's leading center of expertise in steel - and we take sustainable responsibility in everything we do.

Norway has committed itself to becoming a low-emission country by 2050 and society must therefore go through a green shift. Nordic Steel Group will be part of the green shift and work purposefully for a more sustainable industry. We will do everything we can in all areas where we can contribute. Then, of course, we take our share of responsibility for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, the international climate agreement to which Norway has acceded.

It is important to us that our operations are carried out in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our solutions should be positive for today's and future generations.

Health, Safety and Environment

In our work, we must safeguard the safety, working environment and health of our workers. This is our top priority. Everyone should return home safely from production halls, offices and construction sites. A good HSE culture is important for sustainable development in the industry.

Environmental requirements and a serious working life

Nordic Steel Group fabricates everything the customer demands in steel. We facilitate environmentally friendly production and operations for many years to come. An increasing amount of customers are asking us about green steel and environmentally friendly solutions. In public procurement, we often see the requirements for both sustainable production and CO2 accounting.

Nordic Steel Group supports the fight for a serious and responsible working life. Nordic Steel supports the Oslo model, where the public sector takes the lead and demands suppliers on, among other things, orderly wages and working conditions, and requirements for the use of skilled workers and apprentices, is supported by us. A contract for the construction of a new National Museum in Oslo went to Nordic Steel, partly because we deliver on the requirements of the Oslo model.

We believe that taking care of the environment in our production, and in the choice of suppliers, in everything from transport to products, is important for sustainable development.

Eco-Lighthouse certification

Nordic Steel has been a certified Eco-Lighthouse company since 2014 and it has been documented that we take environmental responsibility through the working environment, waste management, energy use, procurement and transport.

In 2021, we were named Environmental Lighthouse of the Year by the Environmental Lighthouse Foundation on this grounds:

"Large customers are becoming increasingly tougher in their environmental requirements. Nordic Steel is positioning itself as a subcontractor to the industry with its green competitiveness, and has taken a strong position in the green shift. Despite the fact that Nordic Steel has increased turnover and number of employees significantly in recent years "The CO2 emissions jury has been impressed by the modern and future-oriented industrial group, and they award the prize for the Environmental Lighthouse of the Year for small and medium-sized enterprises."

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The UN's sustainability goals must contribute to a more sustainable course for the planet. We have selected some of the sustainability goals that we pay special attention to, because here we can make an extra difference. By highlighting some goals for our company, we commit ourselves and make it even clearer which goals we should really contribute to achieving.

We are also working on the remaining SDGs. We recognize many of the goals in our core areas, which are people, working life and the environment. Gender equality, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production are important goals for us.

Goal 3: Good health: Health, environment and safety are at the forefront of the group and we take active responsibility for the employees' health. Gender equality at all levels is an important part of the company and everyone should have equal opportunities. A good working environment is important for the employees' physical and mental health. We believe that employees who thrive at work also do a better job. In Nordic Steel, we have our own gym, healthy lunch buffet, social measures and good insurance and treatment schemes.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth: We ensure a stable and safe working life for many. We provide jobs and opportunities to apprentices and people who for various reasons have dropped out of working life. Through a differentiated customer portfolio and delivery to many different industries, we are not so exposed to fluctuations in the market. The company has the will, competence and resources to invest in the future - such as new buildings, proper machinery and equipment that will provide increased productivity and a safe working life.

Goal 13: Halt climate change: We have our own environmental management system, environmental handbook, and sustainability strategy, in which efforts to combat climate change and its effects are central. We actively contribute by offering recycled green steel, we recycle over 90% of all waste each year, and we actively seek sustainable substitutes for hazardous chemicals. Suppliers must demonstrate environmental responsibility or certification before we enter into framework agreements. We only use fair transport certified transport companies in framework agreements for transportation.

Goal 17: Collaborate to achieve the goals: We are part of a larger system, and in order to achieve the goals, it is important that stakeholders in all positions, industries and countries work together. We are collaborating with many stakeholders in an innovation project to measure actual climate emissions on everything we produce. We are working with Outokumpu to offer the world's most sustainable stainless steel to our customers. The company Compera is developing a tool for sustainability reporting - we're part of this. For us, collaboration also means sharing knowledge. We write technical articles, participate in courses and networks and, not least, we work closely with customers and suppliers to create the best, tailor-made solutions.


We have chosen to invest in digitalisation to efficiently carry out projects with sustainable gains. There are many opportunities and solutions here that promote the safety and health of our employees. Digitalisation helps us in the planning of projects and streamlines material use. This is in line with our sustainable development.